Development System Administration Technical

2025 Bash tips

Been doing a lot of Bash coding in the past year developing Zesk Build: Pipeline, build, and operations tools useful for any project an open source project I started after I realized I kept using the same code base for all of my projects to build and maintain them. bash was a logical choice largely […]

System Administration Technical

Pattern for setting root paths in a bash binary

(2025 – updated to current practices) I find myself constantly seeking to set up a coding pattern where I have a project (say, a web application) which has root directories such as: etc. where various resources for our application are stored. What is essential is that that sometimes there are multiple versions of an application […]

Development Technical

Git Recipes

This is a placeholder for things I do in git which I have to look up often. Remove a branch from git If there are unmerged changes which you are confident of deleting: References article how to remove git branches.

Business Development Technical

“Shining up a turd” , or Visual design vs. Code quality

I believe people experience software usually across two main dimensions, which is a sliding scale: So, examples always help here. Think Polished like the look of, say these sites: And here’s Primitive: As for code quality, this is something which is based on experience, but it’s not something you can see at all. It’s just […]

Analytics Privacy Technical

Tutorial on Top-Level-Domain Names, Cookies, and Privacy

Ever notice that when you sign into, oh, say, Gmail, you sign in at What’s up with that? The reasons are technical, but it should be noted that when more and more traffic goes through the same domain name, you should wonder why. Before I go off the nerd deep-end, if you don’t know […]

Analytics Bugs Email Privacy Security The Sky Is Falling

Google sees 92% of “top” web traffic

I had to write after reading this article in the New York Times. In short, Google “sees” 92 percent of online traffic for the top 100 internet sites. Other big boys, Atlas (60%), Omniture, and Quantcast (54% – I assume combined) don’t even get

Bugs Development JavaScript Technical

Chrome problems with window focus (workaround)

Found a workaround for a window focus problem with Google’s Chrome browser.

DNS Email System Administration Technical

DKIM TXT Records in DNS exceeding 255 characters

Wow. It’s 2009, and apparently DNS can only support reading configuration file lines which are not greater than 255 characters. I received the following error

Analytics Business Marketing Privacy Technical

Analysis of Google outbound link tracking

I noticed in the past two or so months, after Google upgraded their SERPs to enable users to rearrange and delete results (see thumbnail to right) that the outbound links Google was posting on SERPs were redirects through the site (meaning, they were tracking clicks on outbound links.) Since I often search for something […]

Analytics Business Marketing Technical

Uh-oh. AJAX-powered search kills keywords in referrers

Well, according to Clicky, Smackdown and a discussion forum on Webmaster World, many webmasters are fearful of AJAX-only search from Google. As I wrote in a recent article on Helium (a low-traffic one, at that), Google is a near-monopoly, and user Shaddows here points out that opting out of Google’s index (say, in protest) is […]