HTML Technical The Sky Is Falling

Disappearing content in MSIE7 using AJAX

I write web applications for a living. I enjoy it immensely. Webkit-based browsers (FireFox, Mozilla, Chrome, and Safari) are a pleasure to work with – they render closely to what you design with stylesheets, their JavaScript engines perform quickly and what you’d expect, and the final rendering of sites is generally pleasing. Internet Explorer 6 […]

HTML Technical

Valid characters in attribute names in HTML/XML

This has been bugging me for a while, because I do a fair bit of HTML and XML custom parsing code, and kind of wondered what would be the valid characters for an attribute name in a HTML tag, e.g. <a href=”…” name=”…”>thing</a> So, what are the valid characters in HTML (or XML) for “href” […]

Marketing Technical The Sky Is Falling

At first I thought Google was being hacked

Ever seen Google down? Me neither. Sure, I’ve seen the “Gmail not available” message, and “Service unavailable” once or twice, but it was only for a few seconds, really. That said, last month for about 15 minutes, it appeared that Google was down. At first I did what’s called a Domain Name lookup in DNS […]


Praise for PHP Arrays

I have to give credit to the PHP team for creating what is one of the most flexible, easy to use, and powerful data structures I have used. That is the array. To be completely accurate, the manual describes it as

Analytics Technical

Time is hard

I’m talking about time as represented by, say, your watch, and I’m talking about it in context of internationally agreeing on time. You think about time and it’s no big deal, right? Twice a year we have to change our clocks for some insane reason which has to do with farmers milking their cows or


RAID 5 and MySQL is NOT recommended

Formatting a drive using RAID 5 is a very big mistake when setting up a high performance MySQL database server.

Development PHP Technical

Top 5 Most Useful non-native PHP functions

As a veteran PHP developer, a count down my five most useful PHP functions not built into the language. Save time and write better code by using some simple PHP code snippets.